Monday, July 07, 2003


Met a few of our co-bloggers at the wedding. So they know what happened there.

This post is for those unable to attend the wedding.

There were about eighteen of us there.

Boys: Ajayan, Sampath, Vijay, Rajesh, Ganesh, Sandhil, Kishore, Mahendran, Vignesh, Vinod Kannan

Girls: Sinduja, Kavitha, Sangeetha, Karthika, Karthiga, Swedha, Vasuki.

We collected about Rs. 1600. Sam said we'll buy some gold jewellery. Off went Manny and Sam to buy it. They bought a pair of earrings. "Thangam vanga Thangamayilukku vanga", Ganesh approved the jewellry as soon as he heard it name, "Jothika Thodu".

The interactions were great, especially as I was meeting most of them after almost more than a year.

Took a few snaps, Ganesh will be uploading them soon. Dei, ganesh, unnoda bank a/c no. annupu.

Sinduja said she saw Shana, Philo and Shobha on our way back from the hall. They were going to the hall. So that makes it twenty-one attendees.

That's it for now.

Waiting for others to post thier view of the wedding.

We'll be hearing from Rini around the 22nd or 23rd.

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