Monday, November 24, 2003

Movies and notes

Ram, hope you had a very nice birthday yesterday. Sorry da, I don't have your Bang. contact number. Infact I don't have any ones'c contact numbers at Bangalore. Could you send me your number, office and home or PP. (Kicha's and Rini's too). Well da Bala, I see your first post was a "chotta" one. Hoping to see a bada post from you soon. Kicha, Yes, it is deplorable. I guess that our Union Minister might have had the intention to make the selection process transparent. But how far it will be transparent is to be seen. Yesterday afternoon, I watched Dreamcatcher on DVD. It was wonderful. It wasn't scary like Sinduja had conveyed in one of her posts. I haven't read the book by Stephen King, the best selling horror fiction author. But I guess the director had toned down the horror factor in this film. Though many books by Stephen King have been made into movies, the best was "The Shawshank Redemption". Rini, you can add Stephen King to my list of favorite authors. He writes horror stories. But the above film, The Shawshank Redemption was one of best movies that was ever made. If you get a chance to see it, don't miss it. It is not a horror film. The film portrays the strength of the human spirit in such beauty that the film lifts you up. Coming back to Dreamcatcher, the location where the movie was shot was so beautiful that it takes your breath away. The alien creatures were not frightening. But the idea of a memory warehouse, a virtual storehouse where the hero stores his memory is so innovative and appealing, that I wish I had one like that. The movie had interesting dialogues with lot of humor that you forget that it is supossed to be a horror movie. The background score was impeccable, suiting the movie to a T. Last night, I viewed another film, Maverick, starring Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster. a hilarious comedy. I have not yet seen it fully, only about a half an hour or so. I'm planning to watch the rest tonight. More later,

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