Monday, March 08, 2004

how u forgot...

Rini, I'll tell u how u forgot... First, u woke in the morning... hoping to get back the feel of the good old days of going office... "old" because ur holidays almost seemed an eternity... then, u started on all ur daily chores thinking to continue as u do normally in any other week day... Then, u came to office... and as u glared at ur anti-glare monitor, thoughts of sharing ur experiences started treading the noble path to ur mind... and u started off with a quoty post and followed that with a posty post.. all the while wondering if the comprehensive mechanism for detecting if any Vital Information Resource Under Siege cases could occur on "Hi"ing at the blog subject... and a gush of the nobly treaded path of ur thoughtwave began to overflow as ur fingers started typing out the frills across those paths... and as u typed them u didn't notice what was present in the otherside of the fence in the middle of the road... As u didn't notice it u didn't put it in ur posty post.. quoty post was not supposed to have it... and posty post missed it.. And this is how u forgot... If I'm wrong.. then I'm wrong.. otherwise I'm not...

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