Monday, September 15, 2003

My views...

Hi, Now on to my views... Its been kinda fancy in some channels to project countries like India and its poverty in the most "pathetic" ever way possible... A few programmes I could recollect... AXN - there was some travel program where India's railway stations and a typical sleeper class coach was shown to be "dirty and stinky"... they showed a beggar begging in the platform and the program host was emotional and said "this is poverty for u"... Naional Geographic.. a quiz program was on... and the question was "What does an Indian style toilet comprise?" and the answer "A hole in the ground".. imagine some non-Indian hearing this... what would he imagine of a "hole in the ground" being used as a toilet... and in one program in BBC there was an interview with some guy (an Indian), I forgot who... he was talking about how India is perceived by other nations.. and what he told was "Some people still think India is a country of kings and demons... while there are others too, who understand India as an intellectual capital.." But my question is, does America stand any differnt... In fact, the so-called Americans do not even belong there... the native Americans (also known as Indians or red-Indians) are the actual natives who were overthrown by the British/European settlers... the native Americans live in ridges and valleys and most are not even aware that something called electricity exists... they are still a century behind in development... who is to be blamed.. the so-called Americans... (this part is courtesy: Oprah Winfrey show)... But still we are left at the mercy of being projected in whatever way the world likes to see us.. We do have shortcomings... we are poor compared to other developed nations... education levels are lesser.. no doubt... but are the other countries spotless...??? Its only that, we are still dependant on the heftier nations... and they wouldn't hesitate to pass such actions... after all, they call the shots... But its only a question of time... it could be a few decades... and India might well be seen atleast much better positioned than what it is now...

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