Thursday, June 05, 2003

Ranjini, The website visitors shows the number of persons who have visited the site since May 29. Everytime someone visits the blog, it will get updated. Also it will store statistics like no. of visits, browsers used, OS used. For example, Yesterday Sinduja used a Win Me machine, Netscape 5. She visited the blog at Jun 04 2003 9:03:19 pm(her system time). I am trying out a couple of visitor tracking also. As for viewing the source code, you can just view as you do any webpage. You can save it and view it offline. Since blogspot allows only one page space, the css stylesheet is embedded within the page itself. Try experimenting with it offline. If you feel comfortable with it, send me the html, I'll put it. But all your cosmetic effects must not include an external file. With me, so far? I mean that you cannot add any images or external javascripts to do the fancy work. But you can include it inline. The trouble is the page gets loaded slowly. If you want images to be posted and more control over formating, we need to move this blog to a paid hosting service, which I feel is not viable. Also saw your snaps, Srini seems not to smiling as you were. It is good to see take the initiative to upload it to the groups page. Only wish everyone can do so and save valuable mail space. I needn't worry though. Let me see how much memory space do I have (2+2+2+2+2+2+2+10+5+ office id --> more than 30 mb). Welcome back da , Rajesh. Dei Ram, I'm not trying to increase the traffic. The truth is many mail ids got deleted. I added most of the ids back. A few ids are missing. I am trying to find out them. You can only take the horse to the water, you cannot make it drink. Bye for now,

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