Monday, June 09, 2003

"The scenery was typical of an South Indian village, tall sugarcane fields on both sides of the dirt road, with a small water canal running by the side. the sugarcane was ready for reaping. There was a small clearing. As I was cycling along, I noticed an old temple lying in ruins. The stench was unbearable. I noticed around a dozen elphants lying dead in front of the temple. I could see thier bones sticking out of thier flesh as they lay dead, vultures scavenging on them. I asked a priest there what had happened. He said that now that the temple has been destroyed. The elephants have been killed as no one would come to the temple here onwards. The stench had now become unbearable. I felt nauseous. Swallowing back the bile, I ran away from that place. But the stench still haunted me. I spat on the ground to get away from the smell." The above is not a part of any story that I am writing. It was a dream I had yesterday morning. I had woken up aound 6:15 am (I know the time beacause I never remove my wristwatch except when I am having a bath.) As usual, I turned the other side and went back to sleep. The next thing I remember was spitting on my pillow and this dream. Spent the entire morning thinking of the dream and what it meant. The entire picture was so clear that I can describe it in detail from the number of columns in the temple (14) to the clouds in the background. As usual Sunday morning church. After that, we decided to go to a prayer meeting being held in other church. Not that we were interested in it, but because the persons conducting it are very good musicians. We love all thier songs and have sung it in the church. So it was like meeting one of your role models or music idols. Actually, we had planned on staying there for a couple of hours, listen to a couple of songs and sing with them and then leave. But the atmosphere felt so good that we decided to stay there till the end (6 pm). A truly wonderful experience after a very very long time. I was still thinking of my dream and realised the temple could be me; the elephants - the unrequired things in my life. Once you are gone (the temple being destroyed), the things in your life , bad (the elephant carcasses), the good (the serene surroundings of the place) will be left in this world. I am still thinking of other possible messages that could be present in the dream. Anyone knows to read and interpret dreams? Your help would be appreciated... Hey Sindhu, your plans on your birthday and wedding anniversaries? Any special celebrations? Dont show any signs of dudgeon if Boomi doesn't take you out. Friday was one of the busiest days of the blog, 73 visitors (excluding me) had visited the blog. Regarding CSS, I will start it by the end of this week. But an active participation is required if it is going to be conducted. Because if I see no responses, I'll lose interest. And if I do, it is very hard to invoke the same level of interest again. So it is ok with you, We will go ahead. Your comments... I have got request from a few of our friends. Awaiting your go ahead for including them. Still waiting for a reply from Sangeetha (Ganja, please check with her) Waiting to join us are Ajayan, Mahendran and Vinodh. I'll be sending invites shortly. Any one opposing the inclusions... Rini, you are doing your part for the environment, keep it up... There were no databases in the msitmmb website. Why? Dei Vijay Babu, You have subscribed with 3 ids to the group. Please read how Ranjini has changed her Yahoo Group preferences and follow it da.

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