Saturday, July 19, 2003

Reply to Valli

Valli, "tempora mutantor et nos in illis", Anyway the blog design is almost three months old. I am planning to put something more colorful here with your help (all bloggers). Regarding the information I put on the blog, i just visit a couple of sites and follow links from there onwards. A similar method is given explained here. Valli, you can't expect Tamil to be present everywhere? "Engum Tamil, Edhilum Tamil" is a just a empty election promise, which takes no one any where. BTW if you are to opt for a language of your choice, choose something like French (atleast you will be able to read the menus in the swank restaturants) or Japanese (You might improve your drawing skills). Quod scripsi, scripsi is just a reflection of my mood on that that day. I just compose it on my way to work. Select an apt phrase for it and then blog it when I get some time. I think it is a good barometer of my thoughts during the previous day. That's all. You can add your comments on it, I won't mind any type of comments on it from my friends. If you feel anything is not agreeable to you, you can post your comments there. But don't post it here please. have a stormy weekend there. All of you, have a nice weekend. P.S. I'll be online tomorrow around 12:00 IST. Hope to catch someone online then. Rini'll be joining us on Monday, I hope.

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