Monday, January 05, 2004

the first few days

It felt that someone had hit the replay button. Last year started in sickness. This year, it was a repeat. Spending the day at home sick is no fun indeed. The beginning of a new year, the air abuzz with enthusiasm and eagerness for the new year. The first time I went out in the new year was to relatives’ and friends’ homes. That was my only sojourn for the next couple of days. By late evening, I was sick and bed-ridden. Memories of the previous year flashed across my mind. It was ironic. New Year’s Eve, I was standing in the church braving the elements, while my friend nearby complained it was cold and wore a jacket. Twenty hours later, it was my turn to shiver in the cold. The next couple of days were spent indoors. Unlike last year, I didn’t have to suffer much. Just a feeling of frustration on not being able to go about my regular chores pervaded my thoughts. For the first time in almost three days, I emerged out on Saturday, planning to spend sometime in the sunshine. It was not meant to be. The skies were gloomy and dark. Rain looked certain. So I returned home with a mood as black as the skies above. Another day gone in the new year. I had not even done anything worthwhile yet. Is it the shape of thing to come this year? Three days later, yesterday was really the first day of the year for me. I went out to play early morning in the cold, protected from the chill by a thick windcheater. A good couple of hours play brought back the vigor for the new year. Somehow, I have put the past few days behind me. Now let us see how the new year is going to turn out to be.

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