Tuesday, January 06, 2004

A Semi-arid desert

It was an interesting patch of land. Initially, there was not much to say about the lengthy strip.. no one knew it could ever be of some use to someone in the first place... then, time moved on and there were some early planters who observed this barren patch could be of some use to them.. and they started planting.. but with a little caution at first... It did not take much time for them to realise the potential that lay buried underneath this scratchy surface... they just had to wait a little longer to see the richness in their hands.. just as the good people that they were... they took this exciting discovery to the outside world.. and soon there were more planters and more richness coming their way... people learnt the secret of differentiating wasteland from rich land.. and inturn succeeded in finding more such lands and more planation and more cultivation and more richness and more prosperity... As the days moved on.. the initial patch of land seemed a sensation no more.. for it was not the only thing around now.. there were many such... the people sure were growing richer but this land that was the first of its kind and a noble servant for a handful of planters now seemed to be losing its lustre.. its initial discoverers have seen more of its kind and have too much already to think about and are in no big ideas patting this patch as they did in the early days... It now needs some real "change" to make this already semi-arid desert into the lush fertile terrain that everyone loves... If u understand what I'm talking......

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