Tuesday, January 20, 2004

presumptions and misinterpretations

Manny, what does a team mean? "A group of people working towards a common goal". Is that right or do you have any other connotations for a team? As per my earlier post, the description suits the blog aptly. So I am not changing it. BTW, I noticed the lack of the word, 'msitmmb' in the blog description. I cannot see it. Can you? If people want to read unseen words and meanings, it is not going to be the writer's responsibility. Yeah, it was me who 'presumed' that everyone could belong in a group. Maybe I was wrong in that. Going by your "Ennamo ponga" post, I suppose I am not allowed to discuss anything about the blog with anyone else. Am I seeing a sort of NDA here? I cannot post what, say my girlfriend or parent feels about a particular issue, just because it is someone else's thoughts. Isn't that what you were trying to say? Coming to the point of one's views, what do you mean by 'one's view'? If you say, it is your point of view. I have a question, Is that an original thought? Did you think about it, all by yourself, without being influenced by others? (I mean by another person's views through any communication media.) If it was influenced by some other person, it never was your thought at all. I am going too philosophical here, I guess. As for the rest of my post, I feel it is relevant to the blog in terms of ideas, influences, and quite a lot of things. As you said it has been precipated by the recent issue, but this has been on my mind for quite some time. That was why I took two days to respond. But before that, I would like to hear from everyone.

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