Saturday, December 06, 2003

Of course you r right bala...There is no thumb rule that you should have a blind eye and accept whatever an experienced person says...after all they are also humans and there is 100 percent chances for them to be wrong also... Rather it also does not mean that you can question anything and everything for a matter of fact...For instance if somebody says something and you may be pleased to believe what he says, if you feel that that person (no matter whomsoever they may be, our seniors or some damn shit layman or your grandma) has put in more and more research and thoughts than what you have put in that... For a matter of fact nobody can question the fact that E=MC (square) and probably you can question but only when you can substantitae your stand against such a universal timetested truth... As ranjini said the future is uncertain...agreed.. We cannot foretell the future and flatly throw a statement in the air... But for sure one can predict the future which is what all is all about...
Mahendran jayavel

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