Monday, November 17, 2003

Favourite authors

Hi everyone, Kicha and Rini, congratulations on completing one year at your concerns. Valli, It's good to have you back. No news from Sindhu. Any calls or mails from her. Yahoo Groups seems to be accessible again. I don't know how long it will be before it is banned again. Rini, you had asked me about my favourite authors. The truth is I have no favorite authors. There are several things that I like in different authors. For example: Frederick Forysth has the knack of keeping you on the edge of your seat through his prose; Wilbur Smith explains the richness and beauty of Africa through his works and Jeffrey Archer provides the most insane twists in the tale that you kick yourself for have not seeing it earlier itself. Ken Follet's stories are so thrilling and captivating that you want to read them again and again. Tom Clancy provides so much accurate information on military hardware that you become an expert on the subject. David Morrell writes about the strength of human spirit. Jonathan Black provides an insider's view on the power struggles and behind-the-scenes of the rich and powerful people and corporations. Michael Crichton blends technology and fiction that you are left wondering what is not possible by man. Colin Forbes and Craig Thomas provide interesting information about the British Secret Service and its part in the world stage through their works. Umberto Eco stitches different subjects to provide hours of excitement and discoveries. Different writers have different styles. So it is really difficult to pick any one. Even one-off writers like Bill Gates and Jack Welch have imbibed thier books with thier unique styles that at the end of the book, you feel like understood them. I like books that make me feel that I have lost a great friend when I complete it. Anyone writing such a book will be my favourite. Bye for now,

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