Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Hi all,

I think that the problem is that the line breaks were not converted into <br> tags. I feel the best option is to insert the line breaks manually. So as you have got admin rights, you can edit your posts and insert the tags manually. If it is a problem from Blogger's end, then we will have to wait for them to rectify it.

Ranjini, I guess you have taken to reading a lot nowadays. Why, having a lot of free time? As you had said, the Greek mythology is one of the most interesting and also the most intriguing mythologies. No offense meant, but I feel that that it is better than the Indian ones. The entire greek mythology is available online. Bartleby is a very good source. Personally I really love the Odyssey by Homer the most.

BTW what was Kicha meaning by Ranjini being cruel to her friends. What is Ranjini going home to Madurai or spending the entire day with Srini, which of these two scenarios will it be?

To view images, it is important the image be referenced by an url, a file path would not suffice.

That's all folks, bye,


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