Thursday, April 17, 2003

Hi everyone,

Atleast Ranjini got a chance to go to a music concert, that too a classical music concert.Here I am at Coimbatore longing for a chance to listen to any music, while at Bangalore, Ranjini is having a whale of a time in music.

It is good to see that classical music is being appreciated by people still. But the following I think has dwindled over the years. You don't find people arriving in droves to classical music concerts.

I understand that young people nowadays find it very hard to relate to classical music, whether it is Indian or western. I am at times tearing my hair in frustration about the terms used in the music. Those alaapanas, keerthanas in Indian music, the adagios, the da capos in western classical music make my head spin at times.

Somehow Indian classical music has been brought to the common people by the movies. People can now realize that a song is in Bhairavi or kalyani ragam. But modern film music has become unhearable. Personnaly I feel that about 10 or 12 good songs are released every year out of a possible 500-600 film songs.

Ignorant people may say that this is mainly due to western influence. That is total crap. Anyone who knows his keerthanas from the alaapanas will disagree. Western Classical music has been a great inspiration to many of our modern musicians. Notice I say Western Classical  music, not westernised music. The modern music has no connection with the original classical music per se.

Music as everyone will agree has no languages or boundaries. If you are able to listen and appreciate music, you will be able to listen and appreciate music in its various forms, whether it is in sanskrit, urdu or swahili.

I think I have been talking a lot about music. I love music.period.

Coming to my weekend, It is too early I know but what else to do.


Evening: Got to go to the church. Today is Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday. For Christianity, the next three days form the crux of the religion. The coming Thursday, Friday & Saturday are called as "Triduum" meaning the three great days.

I will be again back at the church for a prayer late night.

Friday: Good Friday. Will be on leave. Have to go to the church around 11 am.

Saturday: My leave has not been sanctioned. So will have to come to office on Saturday. I am planning to ask for half a day's leave.
Evening: Got to go to the church in the evening and again later at midnight for Easter Mass.

Sunday: Easter Sunday. Morning mass @10 am. Heavy lunch at home. Visit friends and relatives.  
These are my expected lines for the weekend.

See you on Saturday morn or Monday morn,


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