Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Ranjini, You in a pant shirt. Is this an April Fool's joke? I would like to see a photo. Can you arrange it?
I guess you all must be using mostly Internet Explorer for your browsing. But there are alternatives to IE. I am not against Microsoft products. But after using Mozilla, I have become a fan of that browser. I wouldn't say that Mozilla is the best browser, but it has a few features that I really have come to like like tabbed browsing. Though Netscape is built using the Mozilla base, I feel that Netscape is resource hungry.
Mozilla has some really wonderful tools to help in blogging. A few of my earlier posts were made through those tools. The irony is that I am composing this blog using IE, not Mozilla.
In case you need any more information on Mozilla or any other browser, try googling!
BTW, R.Sinduja's birthday is tomorrow. Right? Jax.

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