Wednesday, April 30, 2003


Browsing the web has become very addictive. I just cannot resist from clicking on any hyperlink that appears on a webpage. I spent the morning visiting all types of sites catering tastes ranging from gossip to the unused but very useful technological ideas.

Here is a small list of the sites / blogs I've been reading today
There are still a lot of websites that I have visited today. I am thinking of adding a sidebar that will list a few of the sites that I or you have visited. It can be done, but requires a little bit of programming and tweaking techniques. As I am not the technical expert in this group, I feel that our techie friends can try thier hand at this.

Before I go, I need a favour from you all. Can you suggest me a good gift for a frind of mine? It is a she, aged 23. Something that would appeal to the feminine side. (No jewellery please). Something simple and elegant.

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