Thursday, May 08, 2003

Bon Jour, Kicha: Ask him a few questions about IBM's stance on open source s/w if you get a chance. Ask him what he feels about mSql and mySQL eating up IBM's DB2 marketshare? As I might be going to a client's place, I might not be able to blog today. But the trip has not yet been finalised. The client's place is somewhere on the foothills of the Nilgiris mountains, enroute to Ooty. So hope I can get away from my desk and enjoy the pleasant climate out there. I'm temporarily making you admin. So I guess you can add Valli to the blog. It is true that the groups have been silent for a few days. As you said, this is what I didn't want to happen, a flurry of messages flying thick and fast and then nothing at all, just like the dangerous typhoons we have seen in the movie, Twister. Did I miss anyone's birthday last week or so? Dei Ganja !@#***#! Either you give me my souvenir or return my money with interest. Sindu seems to follow a very effective policy of give and take. Either Boomi gives or he takes... Nice one, Rini lessons for your future, perhaps!... Bye

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